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Serviceportal der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Mustermann, Max

UNIC Opened Courses List

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UNIC Opened Courses

​Bitte beachten Sie:
Der Kurskatalog für die UNIC Open Online Courses wird zwischen dem 22.11.2024 und dem 01.12.2024 auf folgende Website umziehen:

Das bedeutet, dass diese Seite ab dem 22.11.2024 nicht länger aktualisiert wird und neue Kurse zukünftig direkt im Virtual Campus eingetragen werden müssen. Studierende, die sich für die Kurse interessieren, müssen sich einmalig im Virtual Campus registrieren. Dort können sie sich dann ab dem 01.12.2024 auch für die Kurse anmelden. Weitere Informationen für Lehrende und Studierende folgen in Kürze.

Please note:
The course catalog for the UNIC Open Online Courses will be moved to the following website between 22.11.2024 and 01.12.2024:​

This means that this page will no longer be updated from 22.11.2024, and new courses must be entered directly in the Virtual Campus in the future. Students interested in the courses must register once in the Virtual Campus. From 01.12.2024, they can also register for courses there. More information for teachers as well as students will be available soon.

If you are enrolled at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Koç University, Ruhr University Bochum, University College Cork, University of Deusto, University of Liège, University of Oulu, University of Zagreb, Malmö University or University of Łódź, then you are eligible to participate in one of the virtual UNIC Opened Courses. Each course is ECTS accredited. Please check with your academic advisor to see if you can include the credits in your degree.

By studying within UNIC you get that chance to make connections with your fellow students across Europe.  Start studying with us today!

You can also filter suitable courses for you by university, department or level by selecting the small arrow that will appear next to the respective column title if you move your mouse pointer over it. Alternatively you can click on the column title (for example "University").

By clicking on the filter icon next to the current semester above the list you can select a different semester.

Semester Filter
Class Times, Test Times (if applicable)
Course Description (cf. course catalogue)
Course Prerequisites (if applicable)
Course Requirements (cf. course catalogue)
Further Comments
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